Saturday, February 25, 2006

I've had an origin

So, I received in my little electronic mailbox a bit of spam. That is not all that interesting by itself. The fake name that the spam was sent from caught my eye though:

Gethsemane Lion

I freaking love that! It sounds like a comic book character, or some anti-hero in a movie. Now I just need to figure out where to use it.


Lindsay Lamar said...

I get a lot of junk mail to "Gregorio", which makes me laugh :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite non-existent superhero name is one I used in a game (yes, I'm THAT big of a geek) "Gideon Gibraltar". While I'm sure others would disagree, I think that name just EXUDES cool!!! ;->

Rik Tod Johnson said...


Everyone knows that "Gibraltar" is correctly spelled, and pronounced, "Gibra Tar". Especially when it is on the outside of a burnt-out shabby trailer.

Gideon Gibraltar is a "geeky" name, and the only way that you could exude cool is if you had the Fonz living (and paying rent) inside your ass.