Friday, July 28, 2006


Last week I shot a PSA for the State Troopers. It was an interesting experience as I've done very little video/film stuff. The copy had been written to be about 25 seconds long, but they wanted me to do it in 24. The guy with the camera was walking about 2 feet in front of me, while I tried to walk a mostly straight line (With a gentle curve at the end). It starts airing around town on the 16th of August. I got an email that it was posted to the Troopers website today, so I grabbed it!

Check it out:

Monday, July 24, 2006

Some old pictures

Leif took these pictures at the Valdez Theatre Conference in 2004. I can't remember what exactly I was doing in the first one. The second I like for the contrast between Jill and Aron, and myself.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The sea, she is harsh

My Seward trip ultimately was a bust, as far as catching fish goes. However, the boat ride was great fun. We were stepping hard on the waves. For a long time I was outside the cabin, with the sea spray in my face. I felt a firm connection to the sea, and kept thinking how much fun I was having.

I loved it.

However, the sea was rough. When we stopped for a few minutes the movement of the boat side to side, and in circles was an entirely different experience.

Yes, I ultimately gave up my breakfast to the sea.

I learned some important things that day:

1> I really like being on a boat
2> bananas are bad luck on a boat
3> Ginger really helps to settle your stomach fast.


So, this update is happening while I wait for leif to arrive for lunch.

I'll be providing a more in depth entry later tonight about my trip to
Seward. Some thoughts that have been boiling in my head.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Two Alpacas
Two Alpacas

Chewie and I
Chewie and I

As stated previously Chewie and I went to the Virginia Renaissance Fair last month. As you can tell from the picture it was very hot. In my happy hands you can see the mug I purchased. I got a pretty cool one for Elle with a pirate logo on it.

As you can see in the picture I was wearing a bright red baseball cap. We were sitting in the bar, enjoying the frosty goodness of a couple beers, when I was called up on stage by "Dinty the Moor". I figure my hat got his attention. He of course had no idea what he was getting himself into, we traded some banter back and forth for a bit. The gist of his schtick was that myself and the other guy he pulled up were going to fight a duel, with Plastic French Cocktail Swords. The first person who's sword broke was supposed to die in a dramatic fashion. Mine did. So I died. In a dramatic fashion. The audience loved it. Afterwards as we were taking pictures of some random things we wanted to remember, one of the ladies from the audience approached me to tell me what a good job she thought I had done (Specifically she said that I should think about taking lessons, so I could do more). It was a pretty good day over all. There are more pictures here, you can even see Dinty in a couple of them.

View from my hotel in Seward

Note: I had originally included the pictures in my post, but couldn't get them to size right so I just changed it to links.

This is the view out of my hotel room in Seward (Looking to the left).

Here it is to the right.

I didn't get any pictures from the boat since the weather was too rough, which is unfortunate since we saw Orcas and some other whales I wasn't able to identify. More pictures can be found by going here. They are mostly from my trip back, just some general scenery pictures.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

updates are a harsh mistress

The update for my Seward trip is forthcoming. I've been trying to
organize everything in my head.

In the mean time, I am currently sitting at lunch typing this into my
Crackberry. Pretty spiffy really, I can blog from anywhere. Not that I
will, but it's good to have options.

As you are aware I'm sure yesterday was independence day (or as
Fosberg would call it, Tuesday)n and the usual party happenings were
under way at Leif's. Lindsay often writes about how cool our friends
are, and she is right. It was nice for all of us to get together.
There was a great deal of laughing, some catching up, and much singing

Highlights for me included:
- bocce (always fun)
- chasing down the folks who hit Angela's car in the parking lot (we
didn't catch them, but it was a fun Special Ops kind of moment)
- taking Lily for a ride on my motorcycle

I may add more as they come to me.

Also, I picked up a soundboard that Leif had in his garage. So now I
can get my home studio together. Very cool.