Wednesday, July 05, 2006

updates are a harsh mistress

The update for my Seward trip is forthcoming. I've been trying to
organize everything in my head.

In the mean time, I am currently sitting at lunch typing this into my
Crackberry. Pretty spiffy really, I can blog from anywhere. Not that I
will, but it's good to have options.

As you are aware I'm sure yesterday was independence day (or as
Fosberg would call it, Tuesday)n and the usual party happenings were
under way at Leif's. Lindsay often writes about how cool our friends
are, and she is right. It was nice for all of us to get together.
There was a great deal of laughing, some catching up, and much singing

Highlights for me included:
- bocce (always fun)
- chasing down the folks who hit Angela's car in the parking lot (we
didn't catch them, but it was a fun Special Ops kind of moment)
- taking Lily for a ride on my motorcycle

I may add more as they come to me.

Also, I picked up a soundboard that Leif had in his garage. So now I
can get my home studio together. Very cool.


ak_hepcat said...

Don't forget - pick up some electronics cleaner spray, and give the sliders a liberal bath. it's been sitting for a few years, and not just at my house, but back stage at Cyrano's as well. (God, when did Jerry give that to me? During Personals?)

Lindsay Lamar said...

Hooray! I've been mentioned on Frank's blog! Woo hoo! I'm super jealous of bocce ball--and chasing the car too! It sounds like it was an awesome 4th at Leif's!