Friday, August 04, 2006

so tired.

Yesterday, I realized at about 9ish that my wrist hurt. I assumed that I slept on it wrong. I'll somtimes curl my one arm in tightly to me while I sleep.
Today, a little while before lunch I received a weird injury. I was on the phone with Elle, and was holding the cell phone to my ear in the standard fashion (Not craining my neck oddly or anything) when I sneezed. Immediately my shoulder started to hurt. Not just a little twinge, but an intense sort of pain. A few minutes later as I moving my arm around (Working it through its range of motion) I heard a little pop sound. So perhaps I managed to pop my shoulder out a little bit while on the phone. Decidedly one of the least cool injuries I've ever received.
There is a guest instructor in town for Aikido. Her class was awesome. She worked us hard though, and my knees are very sore. The technique we worked on primarily involved dropping your center as part of the take down, which means a lot of up and down motion. My right knee is still a little weak from my injury last summer (Almost exactly a year). I still had a great time. There are two more classes tomorrow. I'm going to the morning class, and hopefully won't be too sore for the afternoon one.
So the tally so far:
1 Sore wrist
1 Hurt shoulder
2 sore knees
Man, I am falling apart.

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