Thursday, September 21, 2006

The FCC Hates the Deaf and Hard of Hearing?

I'm sure most, if not all, of the readers of my little blog are aware that I'm hard of hearing. I'm fairly up front about it. I'm not the only one in our circle of friends who has the problem, and in fact several of the kids we work with do as well.

I often rely on closed captioning to help me with enjoying television, movies, and other similar forms of entertainment. Not exclusively mind you, often times I will use them to augment whatever I am watching. They help me catch things that I would otherwise have missed, make it so that I don't have to rewind to better understand part of a conversation, or constantly bother Elle asking what some character has said.

I read on Boing-Boing about some changes the FCC has made to the rules governing closed captioning. These new rules make it easier for companies to get away with not captioning things.

If you are so inclined, I would appreciate it if you would go to the American Association of People with Disabilities website, where they have a form letter you can customize and a list of email addresses for people at the FCC you can send it to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never knew you were hard of hearing. Anyway, consider them chastized!

- Scott T