Monday, February 09, 2009

These boots are made for walking

I posted about the Eowyn challenge a while ago. It seemed like an interesting way to mark progress on a fitness goal. Well, as of today the idea has resurfaced.

The company I am working at has instituted a One Million Step challenge. The goal is to walk 10000 steps per day (roughly 5 miles), for 100 days. I have chosen to take it on, as have several of the guys who work for me. Since we are the IT crew, I figured the Eowyn challenge would be a fun additional way for us to mark progress.

I am tracking my general progress using a Google doc spreadsheet. If you're interested you can find it here. It will automatically update as I make changes to the spreadsheet.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This looks great, Frank. How are you tracking? Pedometer?

Frank said...

Yep! The company gave them to us.